Monday, February 15, 2016

A Hectic Week: Part 2

Welcome back to blog! Sorry it's been so long but I have been busy, as the title says. 

So this week, was CRAZY!!! First of all, I was not feeling well all week and was not having it. So my week kicked off to a bad start when I had a cold. We also learned that we had a science test on Thursday, and a math, English, and history unit test on Friday. Besides that, we had an essay due on Friday as well. 

Besides all of that, we had dance without our teacher who was out of town. The pressure was on us all week. 

Monday was spent preparing to study for the big tests. As was Tuesday. 

Wednesday came and I skipped classes because I wasn't feeling well and to spend the time studying. I stayed up late studying for everything and writing my essay, but focusing on the science test I had on the next day. 

Thursday came around and it was time for the big test. Everyone was last-minute studying, not worrying about everything else we had to do that day. In history, we learned that the essay wasn't due until Tuesday, which made us rejoice. Science period came, and we were all nervously anticipating the test. When we got to class, our teacher started talking about the lab we had done the day before. Everyone took this as an opportunity to get some more studying time in. Others of us were watching the clock wondering how much time we would actually have to take the test. Time was running out to 20 minutes, 15 minutes. At the 10 minute mark, someone plucked up the courage to ask if we were actually taking the test. She replied with the fact that someone in our class had received pictures of the test and was studying those. It remains a mystery who it was, but the test was canceled and we learned that we will now be receiving 5 question quizzes which puts a lot more stress on studying. We went home that day disappointed and confused. We all spent that night cramming for the next day's tests. 

On Friday, we had three tests and everyone was feeling the pressure. We began the day with an English test, proceeded by a history test, and the day ended with a math test. Overall, our class felt good about most of them, but we were all nervous about our results. 

In other news, on February 15, 2016, the show Gravity Falls ended. It was a cartoon mystery show about a town in Oregon full of mysteries. It was incredibly entertaining and I'm sure all if it's fans (including me) will miss it. 

That's it! Tune in next week and thanks for reading.

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