Sunday, February 21, 2016

Loving to Dance

Welcome back! So, this week I'm going to talk about something a little more dance related. My dance instructor gave us the assignment to write down two reasons why we love dance. To just come up with two reasons was more challenging than you would expect. So, in this blog, I will be talking about why I love to dance.

A lot of people ask me why I love to dance. To me it's a pretty ridiculous question. Why do we love to breathe? Why do we love that our hearts our beating? Why do I love dance? Because it's a necessity to me. Without it I don't know how I would live. I'm not being dramatic; I'm dead serious. When you think about it, you don't love to breathe until you can't. Dancing is like breathing in that aspect. During the year, we all want to take breaks and stop dancing, but when a break comes along, even if it's just a day, I can't stop.

When I dance, I feel a freedom and a passion that I just can't put into words. It's like the whole world stops just so you can dance. The stress and anxiety of the outside world just dissolves, like it was never there. It is such an experience. You can't understand unless you HAVE experienced it.

Before you go onstage, you get an adrenaline rush like nothing else. It is the best feeling in the world. It's similar to being on a rollercoaster, and going up for what seems like forever right before the big drop, but completely different at the same time. When you dance, it's all up to you, as opposed to the rollercoaster mechanic. Everything depends on you in the moment. If you mess up, you can't turn off the music and try again, you have to keep going.

This reason is a little more deep. My grandmother was a dancer and it was something she loved to do. She was the one who introduced me to it in the first place, and the reason why I'm dancing. She passed away several years ago, and dancing makes me feel closer to her.

On a happier note, the last reason I love to dance is because I'm around people I love. My team, my teachers, and everybody else I dance with. Spending time with them is great. They are some of the funniest people I've ever met and I love hanging out with them.

Thanks for reading. This blog was kind of deep, but that's okay. Tune in later!

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