Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Fall Festival

Welcome back readers! This week, my school participated in another dance performance. But don’t worry; it’s not as long or exciting as the last one.
This past weekend, my sister and some of my dance peers performed at St. Mel’s Fall Festival. As a team, we make the executive decision to take this weekend off and not perform, but my sister’s team was eager to do so, and some of my other friends were signed up as well.
Since the call time was not until 6:45, we had all day to sit and relax (I don’t know about you, but I’ve been watching A LOT of ABC Family’s “13 Nights of Halloween” which is really getting me into the mood for Halloween). So at 5:45, I helped my sister with her makeup and costume and she did her hair.
We arrived at St. Mel’s School at 6:40 and went into their auditorium to get ready. The auditorium is HUGE and finding space for everyone to get ready was easy. The stage just outside the auditorium where our dancers were scheduled to perform on the other hand is rather small. What’s more, it’s not very slippery, so it’s hard to turn on (I know from my own experience dancing there last year) and it is hollow, so whenever you land from a leap, no matter how soft, you hear it.
My sister’s dance went on first. The dance was incredibly energetic this time and was a lot of fun to watch (for song and costume info, check out “Ashley” did her solo next. Something about the way the stage lights were positioned made her look stunning and she danced just as well. Her sister “Isabelle” followed and WOW did she perform well! She worked it and made everyone in the audience smile. The duet was next. Unfortunately, I was back stage helping the other girls get their costumes together, so I didn’t have the chance to watch, but from what I’ve heard, they performed well. “Liz” was the final solo. She looked beautiful (so beautiful, in fact, that a couple of boys in the audience were commenting  on her every move, talking about how pretty and amazing she was).
After the dance, my instructor invited people from the audience to come on stage and dance the “Cha Cha Slide” (to make time for some quick costume changes). Everyone looked as if they were having a great time. The special team went on last. For such a big group and such a small space, they adjusted very well.
Following the last dance, most of the girls and the instructors went on a ride. Unfortunately, my sister was too short to go on “The Star Dancer”. As for me, I’m not one for rides that flip you upside-down or rollercoasters, so I wouldn’t have gone on it anyway. My sister, tired and disappointed, wanted to go home, so that was the end of the night.
Thanks again for reading! Tune in next week for more about my crazy life!

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