Sunday, October 18, 2015

Competition #2: "Dance Moms" at NYDA

You know those days when you wake up, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, everything goes your way, and it's just a great day? Well, yesterday was not one of those days.

It was the season’s second dance competition, and my team’s first, which was definitely more than a little nerve-racking. Our day started at about 7:50, when my dad woke me and my sister up, and we had breakfast, did our makeup, got our costumes on, and left the house at 9:15, still sleepwalking.

We drove to Calabasas High School, where the competition was being held. This competition was called New York Dance Experience (or NYDE). This competition was not like any other competition for two reasons. One, the stars of the show Dance Moms once again attended. Second, after you dance, your team stands in the middle of the stage as you listen to the judges critique you live, in front of the whole audience. That was probably the thing that my team was most worried about.

This competition moved a lot faster and was more organized than the one last week. We only waited in line for about 10 minutes. We had a release form signed (just like last time), took a picture holding our release forms, and then got a stamp proving that we had the release forms signed.

From there, we went to the dressing room…more like area, actually. It was a very small space, with no door, just a curtain. My hair was done, and I touched up my makeup. The Dance Moms made their big entrance, but because this was my THIRD Dance Moms competition, I decided to sit out the screaming and yelling outside; been there, done that.

I walked into the auditorium for the solos. The judges were introduced and it began. “Ashley” went first, dancing very well. Her costume looked stunning on stage with the color of the lights chosen for the competition (for performance information see my previous post. Next was “Emma”, performing one of the best I had ever seen.

The Dance Moms came out while everyone was screaming and yelling. I was on the other side of the auditorium (last time I was lucky and was sitting right next to them), but I had done this before, and let other people have a chance.

Mackenzie’s solo came first. It was called “I Just Wanna Sit on the Couch and Eat Chips” (if you’re a fan of Dance Moms, you see the irony in the title). Her dance was actually very cute. She used a couch as a prop and used it very well. Kendall and Nia also had solos. I can’t remember what they were called, but they danced well. Kendall danced a contemporary/lyrical solo and Nia a jazz solo.

The Dance Moms left, and the real competition resumed. “Liz” danced and looked beautiful. The judges were very blunt in their critiques and no feelings were spared.

Because the competition was running behind, there was no official “lunch break” time, so we made our own time to sit outside and eat. While we were eating, the duet went on and I caught it from the doorway. But from what I saw, they were cute and danced well.

As we were finishing lunch, a woman who works for the competition came up to us and told us that we were on in five numbers. That meant five numbers to stretch, practice, sew in the head-pieces, finish getting ready and get back-stage. It was absolute chaos. No one was prepared for this. After being there for almost six hours, we expected to be ready early, but obviously that was not the case.

Hastily, we ran backstage just as my sister’s dance went on. Then, something unexpected happened: a team came backstage. I gave one of the girls a little smile as if to say “hey,” or “good luck” and the girl waved back to me. I looked at her jacket to see what studio she was from. Lo and behold, the girl was Jojo. I absolutely flipped out on the inside, but on the outside I was cool and collected.

We finished up practicing just in time to go on. We began to dance (we dance to the song D.A.N.C.E. by Justice) and it didn’t go as well as hoped. I fell out of one of my turns, one of the dancers forgot a step, and another got hurt… the list of missteps goes on. About halfway through the dance, I thought to myself, “If the ALDC girls are backstage, and they’re going on next, does that mean….AAHHH!!!” We were the only dance that Abby and the moms actually watched. The one time we don’t dance well, they watched. That may have been the scariest thing that happened all day.

After we danced, we stood on stage and awaited the critiques. The judges were not kind to the performance. Okay, maybe that’s not completely fair. They were…thorough. Very thorough. I don’t really want to go into much detail about what they said, but it was hard to listen to.

We walked off stage, disappointed. But not too disappointed. Because the ALDC went right after us, and we were in the changing room, we missed their group dance. From what I heard, we didn’t miss much. All I know is that it was called “Hungry like the Wolf” and they wore wolf heads as part of their costume.

It was awards time. Here are the results (the order from least to greatest is Gold, High Gold, and Elite Gold; don’t read the results after “D.A.N.C.E.” if you want to be surprised during the show):

·         “Dead in the Water” (“Ashley”) – High Gold

·         “Everybody Wants to Rule the World” (“Emma”) –Elite Gold – Highest Score in Teen Contemporary – 4th Place in Teen Solo

·         “This is My Now” (“Liz”) – Elite Gold – Highest Score in Junior Lyrical

·         “You Can’t Stop the Beat” (My Sister’s Dance) – High Gold – Highest Score in Junior Line Musical Theater

·         “D.A.N.C.E.” (My Dance) – Gold L (we did BAD)


!!Spoiler Alert!!

Dance Moms: Episode Two, Season Six


·         “I Just Wanna Sit on the Couch and Eat Chips” (Mackenzie) – Elite Gold – 4th Place in Junior Solo

·         Kendall – Elite Gold – 3rd Place in Junior Solo

·         Nia – Elite Gold – 2nd Place in Teen Solo

·         “Hungry like the Wolf” – Elite Gold – 1st Place in Teen Group

We got home around 5:30, and just took the time to relax. We laughed about the competition and prayed we’d do better next time.

That was about it! Thanks for reading!

*If you’re interested in seeing the ALDC dances mentioned or possibly one of mine (no guarantees, but you never know…), watch (Dance Moms) episode two, season six (T.V. air date: TBD... I'll let you know).


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