Sunday, November 15, 2015


Welcome back readers! So, this week was very exciting for me because it was the week of my BAT MITZVAH! HEY-YO!

For those of you who don't know what a Bat Mitzvah is, it's a Jewish Rite-of-Passage in which a 12/13 year old (for girls it's Bat Mitzvah; for boys it's Bar Mitzvah) reads from the Torah ("[in Judaism] in the law of God as revealed to Moses and recorded in the first five books of the Hebrew scriptures") and celebrate them coming of age, or becoming an adult. It's a HUGE celebration, where friends and family come and commemorate the event.

The week started on Thursday with my sister's ballroom competition (I will talk more about this another time). We got home after the competition at 10:00 and I still had to finish writing my speech for my Bat Mitzvah and studying (also, for your Bat Mitzvah, you read in Hebrew). I had an English, History, Math, and Science test the next day and I was absolutely stressed out. So, my mom and I came to the conclusion that I would take the first two tests and go home after that.
I went to school the next day and took my English quiz.

What my class and I didn't know was that our History test was not going to be the Weekly Notebook quiz, but a Pop Unit Test. My teacher explained how to take the test, and then passed it out. But, by the time he did pass out the test, my mom had sent a summons for me to go home. So, I never got to take my test. Fortunately, nobody else had time to finish them, so at least I won't be taking it all alone.

Our plan didn't quite work out as we had hoped, and I have to take three tests instead of two, but that's okay. At least it's not four.

I got home, and my grandfather, grandmother, aunt and uncle were at my house to finish making decorations for the party. I, on the other hand, was putting the final touches on my speech, studying, and resting.

That night, there was a Friday-night service at the Temple, and it's a tradition for the B'nai Mitzvah (both boy and girl) of that weekend to participate. So, we had to go to that service which, unfortunately for us, was about 2 times longer than the average. But, there were two bright sides. One, I met Dr. Mayim Bialik from one of my favorite TV shows The Big Bang Theory (she plays Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler). Also, my friend was there and we hung out. So, that happened, and I did well.

Saturday brought my Bat Mitzvah. I woke up early, and people came to do me and my sister's hair. I then did my makeup and got ready. We drove to the temple and spent about an hour taking pictures with a professional photographer. It was not my favorite thing in the world to be honest.

It was time for the Bat Mitzvah to start. I said my prayers, and got the honor of becoming a Bat Mitzvah. I read my speech and, along with making other people cry, I made myself cry. My dad had a beautiful speech as well (which also made me cry) and my mom spoke wonderfully too. The Rabbi and the Cantor congratulated me as well as complimenting me on my job well done, the final prayer was sung, and it was time to party!

Various guests of my party took my friends to the location of the party. I don't know about other people, but the five friends who came with me and I had a great time in the car.

When we arrived, we went straight to the ballroom, and it was beautiful. The color scheme was a teal blue (my favorite) and the theme of it was books. The tables were labeled Harry Potter, Rick Riordan (i.e. Percy Jackson, Jackson, Heroes of Olympus, The Kane Chronicles), Franklin, Junie B. Jones, The Maze Runner, and John Green (i.e. The Fault in Our Stars, Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines, etc.). All of my friends arrived, and the party began! We had a blast! It was one of the best times I've ever had in my life. I'm so happy with the way it turned out. We danced, ate, sang, played games, took amazing pictures, and more! Overall experience: AMAZING! Exhausting, but amazing.

Thank you so much for reading my blog! I will be back next week! Have an awesome week!


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