Saturday, January 30, 2016

Doctor Who

Welcome back readers! So, as you could probably tell by the title, I won't be doing a blog about my life or my writing this week. But, February kicks off competitions, so I will be doing more dance blogs then.

I'm dedicating this blog to my favorite television series: "Doctor Who". This is a science-fiction BBC original which has been running for over fifty years.

The show follows an alien known as the Doctor, a brilliant, quirky, but dark and mysterious Time Lord and his human companion traveling through time and space in his spaceship. It may sound like your average, cheesy, sci-fi TV show, but Doctor Who is really something special. It makes you create deep emotional bonds with the characters and events... which makes the show even harder to watch,

The Doctor is over 1,000 hears old and the way he escapes death is by regenerating. When he regenerates, the actor changes, which means saying goodbye to what is possibly your favorite Doctor and never seeing them again. It's absolutely heart-breaking seeing your favorite Doctor regenerate. And, usually, when the Doctor changes, so does his companion(s). The companion travels with the Doctor on his adventures. This show is heart-breaking because of all the good-byes you have to say.

There have been 12 Doctors so far plus the War Doctor. I have only watched the War Doctor and Doctors 9-12 in the new Doctor Who series which began in 2005 and is still running. The original series started in 1963 and ended in 1989.

The Doctor and his companion(s) go on adventures in his ship the TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimensions In Space) to different planets in different times. They meet different aliens and outrun death. The show constantly keeps you on your toes guessing what the Doctor will do next. There's a new adventure around every turn. The characters are hilarious and the plot lines and writing are genius. The show doesn't disappoint.

Thanks for reading! If you want to watch Doctor Who, both the original and new series are on Netflix. The new series is being taken off on February 1st, but may be put back on (fingers crossed; I'll let you know). Have a great week!

****I want to thank my friends Kimia, Marissa, Kayla, Hannah, Eva, and Karena for introducing me to this AMAZING show. Click here to read Kimia'sKayla'sHannah'sEva's, and Karena's "FANTASTIC" blogs.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

My Story: Chapter Two & Three

Welcome back to my blog! Last week, I posted Chapter One of my Wattpad-original story: "The Sky is Crying." So, this week I am going to post the second and third chapters because the second one is REALLY short. So, here you go!


Chapter Two

Aubrey walked home solemnly, running ideas for her story over and over in her head. She had so many, but none of them seemed good enough to win the heart of her employer. 

She was about to turn the corner, when she noticed someone riding a motorcycle. They sped past her and knocked her over, as if they didn't know she was there. Aubrey shook her head in disbelief; she couldn't believe people could be so rude. 

When they reached the end of the street, they turned around and took off their helmet to reveal a young man with brown hair and a handsome face.

"Sorry love. Didn't see you there," he said in an accent. British, she decided. He proceeded to place his helmet back on his head and went back the way he came. 

Aubrey got off, shook herself off, and continued on her way.


Chapter Three

"How was your day, sweetie? Did you get any more work on your story done?" Aubrey nodded her head in response. She was used to these kinds of questions. They were the same ones every day. Her mom wasn't a very creative person. She had no one to talk to, being a single mother. So, during dinner, Aubrey was asked the same two questions which were followed by a "brief" summary of her mom's day. She had learned just to nod; her mom asked the questions simply to be polite.

"Good," her mom said absentmindedly. "Better than mine anyway. I went to get groceries and while I was in the checkout line, realized I didn't have my credit card on me and no change. So I had to call the bank and asked them for my credit card number..." and, as per usual, Aubrey tuned out around there. 

"You know what mom," she interrupted. "I think I'm just going to finish the rest of my dinner in my room. Is that okay?"

"What? Oh, yeah of course. You... You go ahead sweetie."

"Great. Thanks." Aubrey walked to her room and closed the door behind her. She put on some music, grabbed her typewriter from her desk, and sat down on her bed. She just sat there with absolutely no idea what to write about. After a while she just gave up. She threw her typewriter under the bed and lay down. She closed her eyes and nodded off to sleep.


Aubrey woke up six hours later when it was 1 o'clock in the morning and tried to go back to sleep. About half an hour later, she decided to go outside and think. She put on a warm jacket and, as quietly as she could, went outside. 

She sat down in the grass in her front yard, lay down and looked at the stars, looking for her favorite constellation: Perseus. Perseus was the famous Greek mythological hero who she greatly looked up to and admired. Not only did she love Greek mythology, but that story in particular. He killed Medusa using his cunning skills, rescued the princess, turned the evil King to stone, and lived happily ever after, which wasn't common in mythology. And being the nerd she was, she knew what quadrant it was in (NQ1), the number of main stars it had (19), and the brightest star (a Per). With that in her head, she soon dozed off with her head in the soft grass. 

She woke up to the sound of a motorcycle. Aubrey sat up groggily and looked around, the light of the sun shining brightly in her eyes. In front of her was the handsome brown haired boy who had bumped into her just the day before. He squinted at her, as if he was confused at her waking up. Then, he shook his head and smiled, but his helmet on, and drove off without a word.

Aubrey got up and started to run after him. Yelling, "Hey! Hey! What were you doing?" The brown haired boy stopped his motorcycle, the way he had when they first met. He smiled again. 

"Hello," he said,

"Hi," Aubrey said impatiently. "What were you doing in front of my lawn? And who are you anyway?"

"Um... Well, my name is Jake and I was worried about you. You were fast asleep on your lawn and when I tried to wake you, you wouldn't."

"And how did you know I was on my lawn?"

"I was coming home from my nightly rides and saw you."

"Well, thanks for being so concerned," she said awkwardly. "Bye, then," and she started to walk away. 

"OI!" Jake called from behind her. "Did you know you're a beautiful sleeper? The way you furrow your eyebrows in your sleep is really cute. And you sorta curl up into a ball and cross your arms."

Aubrey nodded uncertainly. "Oh. Wow. That'" She shook her head and continued to walk away. She heard Jake start his motorcycle back up and started riding in her direction. He rode around a parked in her path.

"You wanna go out with me?"


That's it so far, but I will definitely keep you updated. Thanks for reading!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

My Story

Welcome back to my blog! I hope you had a great holiday season full of family, friends, and fun!

I am currently in the process of writing an original story called "The Sky is Crying" on a website called Wattpad, in which anyone and everyone have the opportunity to write a story, a poem, and novel, or even random thoughts and publish them onto the website, giving thousands of people the opportunity to have their piece of literature read. In this blog, I will be sharing the first chapter of my story, a romance novel. Please enjoy!

Chapter One

And so the young girl proclaimed her love for him, thus ending the complicated relationsh- The paper was crumpled and thrown away. Aubrey didn't know how a real relationship worked. The longest one she had been in was a week in third grade. But now, she had to complete a romance novel. Aubrey was 17 years old and, young though she was, had been hired by a publishing company. They asked her to write a book about young love. If it was not up to standards, she would be fired. 

This was the first time she regretted her choice of a typewriter. She had always written with a typewriter for several reasons. One, she always felt comfortable in what she wrote, and never had the problem of starting all over because of a mistake. Two, she loved reading about the 1870's, when typewriters first became common, and she loved what the authors wrote on the typewriters, so using one made her feel closer to that period of time, made her feel like she could really make a difference with her writing. 

But with a typewriter, especially a model as old as the one she was using, you could not backspace. You had to start all over. Sitting next to her were dozens of crumpled papers, all with failed ideas. She put her head in her hands and and tugged at the temples of her glasses, the way she did when she was stressed out. 

The problem wasn't that she didn't know anything about love. She had seen plenty of romance movies and read more, but it was hard to write about something you had never experienced before, especially a realistic fiction book. Fantasy was easy; you could do anything you wanted. You could make up characters and places and creatures, but with realistic fiction, you had less freedom. The way things were in the world was the way they had to appear in stories. 

She was sitting against a lonely park bench, far away from all the commotion when she spotted a couple on a bench across from her. They seemed like the perfect couple: she was a beautiful blonde and he was a handsome, young man. They seemed deeply in love, holding hands and kissing every so often. They were so passionate and, for the first time, Aubrey wished she had someone too. 

The thought made her shake her head and slowly, tearing her eyes away from the couple, she got up and walked away. 
If you want to read the rest, go to my story to read the other two chapters. I will be posting more of my story both on Wattpad and my blog, so stick around!